Sunday, September 13, 2009

Next Generation Learning

This video blew me away! The first thing I want in my classroom is an interactive white board. This reminded me so much of my sister she has grown up around technology it is something we use everyday, and we can use it to benefit our classrooms.
I love being able to acces class assignments an homework from the computer, I have taken a few online classes that have been great. You can do so much with a computer, if you know how to use it. I do think that as something that is changing everyday and how our grandchildren will know a new age of technology we do need to teach it. I do not think our classrooms should revolve around technology but the kids love it and they are not bored with it. If they can acces games that help with spelling from a class website why not, I think that is great! I hope that we can help our students become prepared for what is ahead of them.

1 comment:

  1. We are in the next generation! I can not believe how far we have come as a society. I believe computers are taking over. Our society wants what it wants and wants it now! Our whole way of learning will continue to grow, and I am excited to be here for it. Our classrooms do and will revolve around technology. If they don't we will go backwards as a culture.
