Sunday, November 8, 2009

Media Effects What?

This Michael Wesch video discussed the Media and all the tools and how it can change our conversations and ultimately our culture. He spoke about Media Ecology, of how our Media is the enviroment that we shape things in, how media chooses what we speak about, and when and how we can speak about things. One of my favorite things he spoke about was a question asked over 25 years ago that asked what we were going to do about our problem in Afghanistan and the answer being nothing, we were going to do nothing.

I was shocked at the picture of the classroom and then showing how many kids show up to be on American Idol.
I agree when he says that some of us can get lost in the mass and become just a victim of the culture really. I know exactly what he means that you can feel insignificant when in a bad work enviroment, or feeling like you are not important. Our generation makes you work for your place, that you have to make your own. We do live in Generation Me, our society, our commercials are always talking about making something for you, whether it be a cell phone or food, school. It is very rare I meet people that you do not find just a little bit self centered, that is totally selfless. I have also realized that our generation is focused, I really have never seen so many people that are so determined to do whatever makes us happy.
I could not believe some of the statistics about how 20 hours of video is uploaded every minute on you tube every day. The first time I was skyping I did think it was odd how I was really speaking to a computer, but just being on You tube would be odd. I have never wanted to post anything on You tube. Watching how people respond to one video is crazy. The people responding and on you tube vary in ages, and cultures. It is a new way to communicate or "be heard" on this planet. He talks about it having its own community I agree.
It just shows that anything is out there, you can google and you tube just about anything. I can see how television can shape a culture. I for one do not watch alot of T.V. I never have time. But I can tell when people do it shows in the way they talk their jokes, or the way that they will be in a situation. It is scary how some people actually want to be like the people you see on T.V., I mean are they even real. This effects you in everything in your life. It will one day effect my children and my students. I can only begin to understand what this all means and what to do with all the information heard. We need to be aware of how influenced we are and what we are trying to influence.

I had to add this photo at the end yes laptops are popular and most people have them, but by people do we mean all young college students. Just in this classroom how many students do you think are twittering, youtubing, or on facebook?

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